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Guest: Elizabeth Doris

Elizabeth Doris is the Principal Laboratory Program Manager for State, Local, and Tribal Program at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Liz leverages 15 years of domestic and international energy efficiency and renewable energy policy research into senior level management, specializing in supporting state, local, and tribal governments on policies and programs that drive private investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Ms. Doris has managed state and local policy and technical assistance project teams for NREL since 2006. Prior to NREL, she managed state and local efforts at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.

On Twitter:

@elizabethbdoris (personal account)

@NREL_Conduit (NREL State, Local, and Tribal activities)

On the Web:

NREL State & Local Governments site

Liz Doris’ blog at NREL

Liz Doris’ LinkedIn profile

Elizabeth Doris is featured in:

[eLab Extra #7] – How NREL Supports Energy Transition

Full Episode

This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December 2016 in Austin, Texas.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) based in Golden, Colorado provides a wide range of research, guidance, and policy support to the whole government stack in the U.S., from the local and city level all the way up to the federal and tribal level. From supporting the rebuild of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, to informing policies with things like calculating the Value of Solar (VOS) and figuring out better ways of doing demand response, NREL is helping to lead the way on energy transition. We interview Elizabeth Doris of NREL at RMI’s eLab Summit 2016.


Geek rating: 2