Topic: Stories

[ Episode #27 // Fringeology ]

Can challenging your belief system trigger a fight or flight response? Our species is often terrified by thoughts we can't wrap our heads around because of a basic biological response. This has separated a discussion of paranormal topics into camps of believers and skeptics that are every bit as entrenched as our political reality. Does this stratification stifle the ability to generate creative solutions? Is the scariest thing this Halloween our inability to consider new ideas?

In this special Halloween edition of Extraenvironmentalist #27 we speak with Steve Volk about his recent book Fringeology: How I Tried to Explain Away the Unexplainable And Couldn't which explores the edge phenomena that has always been confounding our species yet making life more interesting. Steve tells us about flash mobs in Philadelphia and talks about what it is like to have our belief systems challenged. We discuss the overview effect of space travel and its ability to give us an expanded view of our existence. Seth and I ask if  lucid dreaming could be used as a potential technology or by our politicians. Is questioning someone's belief in UFOs similar to challenging the mainstream economic narrative?

Thanks to Richard Heinberg, Gwendollyn Hallsmith, Bernard Leitaer, Conrad Schmidt and John Michael Greer for making guest appearances to tell us about our scary economic and ecological reality.


// Music (in order of appearance)
Figure - Beetlejuice via Digi10ve
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on You (Splatinum Remix)
Figure - This is Halloween via The Music Ninja
