Topic: Collapse

[ Episode #46 // Recovering Environmentalists ]

Success for the environmental movement has meant many of its members adopted mainstream values in attempts to sustain the unsustainable. Is sustainability a farce when associated with a way of life that is out of touch with reality? Global droughts, weather catastrophes and heatwaves are demonstrating the rapidly increasing impact of atmospheric greenhouse gases. With decades of inaction on climate change, are we all climate denialists? Could there be an environmental movement that works to exit the collapsing global system?

In Extraenvironmentalist #46 we speak first with Paul Kingsnorth on why he's withdrawn from the mainstream environmental movement and its discussions of sustainability. Paul tells us about developing the Dark Mountain Project to help us tell creative stories that embody the new narrative evolving from the end of industrial society. Then, Michael M'Gonigle [55m] joins us to talk about the importance of creating an exit-environmentalism that allows us to leave a global system which is falling apart. Michael describes why liberal environmentalism is no longer useful in creating laws to protect our environment in the extended version of an interview that originally aired on Radio Ecoshock. Finally, John Michael Greer [1h 56m] takes root in a new recurring and irregular segment to talk about denial and his take on the environmental movement. All that and more as our latest episode proves there aren't limits to growth for XE podcast episode runtimes.

// Music (in order of appearance)
GRiZ - The Future is Now via Fist in the Air
Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Blackbird Blackbird Rework) via Sound Is Style
Jeremy Fisher - Built to Last via Ride the Tempo
Elle Goulding - Hanging On (Syvable & PRFFTT Bootleg) via Earmilk
Marvin Gaye - Real Thing (Pillow Talk Rework) via Ecosalon
Stevie Wonder - Superstition (Monolith Remix) via The Music Ninja

// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)
[1st Break] - 28'27"
Shaking Spain - Expect Violence
Marc Faber - Markets to Crash in 12 Months
Euro-Doomsday Scenario
How close are we to a new great depression

[2nd Break] - 83'27"
Record Drought Has Cascading Consequences
Heat Wave
Americans Scramble to Safety
George Will: "It's Just Summer, Get Over It"

Alan Watts - Man in Nature

// Production Credits
Production Assistance by Kevin via Sustainable Guidance Youtube Channel


[ Episode #14 // Discovering Dirt ]

Though we call it dirt, the soil beneath is the skin of our planet and the breadbasket of our species. Is there a connection between the lifespan of a civilization and the rate at which its topsoil erodes? The agricultural practices of past societies can serve as a stern warning against highly erosive farming and point the way towards a revolution in the way we produce the sustenance needed for survival and prosperity. What does it mean that rapidly increasing food prices are causing riots around the world while a dump-truck load of soil enters the Mississippi Delta every second?

In Extraenvironmentalist #14 we speak with Dave Montgomery, author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations. In his book, Dr. Montgomery covers historical evidence from Rome, Greece, China and other societies to trace a link between population dynamics and erosion. Even though the land of North America has only experienced heavy agricultural erosion for a much shorter span, we've already mined the fertility of the U.S. Southeast to churn out tobacco, driving populations towards the Pacific in search of more productive land. We discuss some key historical examples and talk about how modern trends point to serious concerns for the present as soil productivity declines at a rapid rate. Can a crisis in global agriculture be avoided when our society is heavily dependent on the temporary agricultural output boosted by petroleum dependent chemicals?


// Music (in order of appearance)
Conner Youngblood - Summer Song via The Music Ninja
Bibio - K is for Kelson via Et Musique Pour Tous
Mount Moriah - Lament via The New Music Collaborative
Daughter - Landfill via Earplugs Not Included
Daughter - Candles via Earplugs Not Included
