Topic: Catholics

[ Episode #2 // Powerful Plastic ]

We are surrounded by a media maelstrom on a daily basis and every so often that tornado of music and language coalesces into something that inflicts a bewildering inspiration.

This podcast is about enlightened entertainment and that's what The Extraenvironmentalist #2 delivers. Sure, it might be a little all over the place, but isn't everyone?

As the plastic bag journeys to it's natural habitat, we discuss America's class system and read from Tim-Wallace Murphy's book on the history of the western esoteric tradition on ways in which alternative viewpoints on Christianity were extinguished in the Dark Ages.

So while in the future we'll focus in on particular topics a little more, this week's theme is: stuff we found interesting.


// Media Links
Youtube | The Majestic Plastic Bag
Podcast | CBC Ideas - The Charming Mr. Luttwak
Blog | Understanding America's Class System by Joe Bageant
TV | BBC Unreported World - Third World America | here's a good review of it
Podcast | School Sucks #4 - Politics is Force
Podcast | Gnostic Media #88 - Silver and Gold ft. Stephen Zarlenga
Book | Hidden Wisdom by Tim-Wallace Murphy
Youtube | Sarah Silverman - Sell the Vatican Save the World
Podcast | C-Realm Podcast #220 - Red State Blues ft. Daniel Krotz
Podcast | Common Sense with Dan Carlin #164 - The People's Snitch
Podcast | Diet Soap #71 - Dolls Eyes In the Supercenter ft. Jason Rizos

// Music (in order of appearance)
Blue Hawaii - Blue Gowns via Et Musique Pour Tous
Florence and the Machines - Cosmic Love (Short Club Remix) via Et Musique Pour Tous
Ting Tings - Hands (Retro/Grade Remix) via Audioporn Central
Freelance Whales - Generator Second Floor via HearYa
The Temper Trap - Fader (The Knocks Remix ft. Samuel) via Wongie's Music World
OMD - If Yout Want It Villa Nah Remix via Audioporn Central

// Corrections (let us know if you find the Easter eggs in every episode!)

(we haven't discovered any yet)
