Topic: Books

[ Episode #16 // Powering the Dream ]

Energy drives our civilization: onward towards the limits of human imagination, ever closer to the grave consequences of oil depletion. Technology is often viewed as a mythical force, seemingly bestowing its gifts on an often misguided species in a neutral manner; though what if the best technologies don't always win? Are all the energy solutions we're banking on to continue a capitalist consumer lifestyle just an innovation away from mass deployment?  Could social choices of technologies be far from rational? What if the most important electric loads were the ones invented by utility companies? Why does America consume so much energy and believe so heavily in the transcendent role of technology?

In Extraenvironmentalist #16 we speak with Alexis Madrigal about his book, Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology which discusses the precarious path our species has followed towards a more perfect power. Alexis is a senior editor at The Atlantic where he writes about technology and media while tweeting prolifically from @alexismadrigal. Alexis explains how many of the green technologies, now touted as shiny new innovations, have existed for the greater part of the last century and have been stifled through a combination of poor policies and irrational developments. We wonder about the role of innovation in the future, do we have all the technology we really need or are we on the verge of a renewable energy breakthrough that can revolutionize our world?

At the end of this episode, Dennis McKenna joins us once again (at the 1h37m mark) for an apology to Matthew Watkins who was incorrectly lambasted in the previous episode for his critiques to the Timewave theory.


// Music (in order of appearance)
Metric - Twilight Galaxy (Gladkill Remix) via Ohh So Famous
Milagres - Glowing Mouth viaThe Music Ninja
The Dictator's Speech with Inception's music by Hans Zimmer via Youtube
Foster the People - Houdini (Valida's Step Out Mix) via Earplugs Not Included
Blue Sky Black Death - Sleeping Children Are Still Flying
viaPotholes In My Blog
Purity Ring - Lofticries via Gorilla vs. Bear


[ Episode #14 // Discovering Dirt ]

Though we call it dirt, the soil beneath is the skin of our planet and the breadbasket of our species. Is there a connection between the lifespan of a civilization and the rate at which its topsoil erodes? The agricultural practices of past societies can serve as a stern warning against highly erosive farming and point the way towards a revolution in the way we produce the sustenance needed for survival and prosperity. What does it mean that rapidly increasing food prices are causing riots around the world while a dump-truck load of soil enters the Mississippi Delta every second?

In Extraenvironmentalist #14 we speak with Dave Montgomery, author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations. In his book, Dr. Montgomery covers historical evidence from Rome, Greece, China and other societies to trace a link between population dynamics and erosion. Even though the land of North America has only experienced heavy agricultural erosion for a much shorter span, we've already mined the fertility of the U.S. Southeast to churn out tobacco, driving populations towards the Pacific in search of more productive land. We discuss some key historical examples and talk about how modern trends point to serious concerns for the present as soil productivity declines at a rapid rate. Can a crisis in global agriculture be avoided when our society is heavily dependent on the temporary agricultural output boosted by petroleum dependent chemicals?


// Music (in order of appearance)
Conner Youngblood - Summer Song via The Music Ninja
Bibio - K is for Kelson via Et Musique Pour Tous
Mount Moriah - Lament via The New Music Collaborative
Daughter - Landfill via Earplugs Not Included
Daughter - Candles via Earplugs Not Included


[ Episode #10 // Brilliant ]

How has access to artificial light allowed us to transform our human lives? Did it give us access to new reaches of the day or has it disconnected us from nature? The development of inexpensive and accessible light has brought about social change with its many forms: from animal fat candles to whale blubber, oil to electrified carbon filaments. Each varying source brings with it not only light but the dark side of fuel consumption.

In Extraenvironmentalist #10 we speak with Jane Brox, author of many books including most recently Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light which Time magazine rated as one of the best non-fiction books of last year, Seth and I concur. Brilliant speaks not only to the technology behind artificial light but also to the class structures which filtered the technology down to the masses along with the consequences and the advantages of having a more luminous world.

Justin accidentally leaves his microphone on in the background so you get to hear an exclusive behind the scenes exploration into what exactly occurs as an interview takes place. Fortunately it is not too distracting as he behaved himself quite well and Seth did a great job dampening the impact. However the problem caused by the behavior of the mute button in Skype is solved and it won't happen again, we are only ten episodes in after all.

Even though it has been a while since you've last seen The Extraenvironmentalist, in this episode we return to kick off a stellar year of examining humanity in 2011 with interviews and more. Thanks for listening!


// Music (in order of appearance)
Star Slinger - Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins Reworkvia The Music Ninja
Palpitation - In Five Years (Niva Remix) via Klubb Ace
Braids - Lemonade (Green Go Remix) via The DaDaDa
Diamond Messages - Liquid Summer via The Music Ninja
Marina and the Diamonds - Me and the Moon (Clock Opera Remix) via Et Musique Pour Tous
Paddling Song via WFMU's Beware of the Blog
