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[Episode #139] – Vehicle-Grid Integration

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In this lagniappe episode, we switch roles for the first time, with Chris as the guest and Utility Dive reporter Robert Walton as our guest host. Chris summarizes some of the insights he has gained from the past five years of research and writing about electric vehicles and vehicle-grid integration, including the various methods and speeds of charging, how we manage the loads of EV charging on utility grids, the roles that utilities can play in supporting transportation electrification, how fleet managers need to start preparing to electrify their own fleets, and what it all means for the future of utility grids.

Because it’s one of our lagniappe episodes, we’re running this show in its entirety in front of the paywall, so that non-subscribers can enjoy the whole thing as well. So listen in and learn how transportation electrification has the potential to make the largest impact of all on carbon emissions globally.


Robert Walton is a reporter at Utility Dive, where he covers electric sector modernization efforts including efficiency, distributed resources, cybersecurity and how utilities will eventually utilize electric vehicles as grid resources.

On Twitter: @TeamWetDog

On the Web: Robert’s articles at Utility Dive

Recording date: December 22, 2020

Air date: January 20, 2021

Geek rating: 7